Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fall Fever

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." ~Albert Camus

Fall is my absolute FAVORITE season! It seems like a lot of people I talk to love the summer and hate that now it’s so cold out. Summer’s great, especially when it comes to water sports and such but I hate being hot, sticky and sweaty. That’s basically how I can succinctly describe any summer I’ve experienced in the following places I’ve lived: Mississippi, Japan and Utah. This is especially true when lugging around a backpack all day at school. An exception to an insufferable summer is Vancouver, WA. It’s the perfect temperature there and one of the most gorgeous places you could visit. So basically, when Fall finally arrives I accept it like it's the Queen of England!

I just can't get enough of how crisp the air is, how gorgeous the leaves are when they change color, and the scrumptious delights that are baked during this time of year. It's like, "can life get any better?" Nope. :) Let me show you through pictures:

We can walk to the temple without sweating before we even get inside. And yes, Loren was growing a beard.

It's BYU Football time! First game of the season!!

Unfortunately, that was the horrendous game against Utah. We won't talk about it any further.

This game we won! But what's better-we got front row seats!! Cosmo was always 3 feet away me, never next to me. Poo. Btw, thanks Amelia for knocking some sense into me because


I get to see this everyday. And what can I say? BYU has a gorgeous campus :)

Fall = General Conference (if you want to know what General Conference is about, go here). I am fortunate enough to get tickets from my former Bishop, Rob Wallace--thanks again!

Conference while bf/gf--2010.

One year later. Conference as a married couple ^_^

Colorful landscapes going up Provo Canyon for a little BBQ/picnic. Beautiful, right?

The studly cook

Our fellow picnickers--BFF Candice (left) and Jessica (Loren's 2nd youngest sister)

Just one of the many yummy things I get to make in the Fall. Banana squash with dill sour cream sauce. Mmmm.

Fall is also when Halloween happens. We went to St. George the weekend before to spend time with the Stones. 'Twas fun :) We just relaxed, went on a triple date to a corn maze (I had never been to one before) with Loren's younger sisters, and ate delicious food. Patty definitely knows how to make healthy and filling food. I love eating there!

The two boys on the ends are brothers. Cute how it was a family affair, huh?

Rachel (whose head I'm trying to bite) looks positively devilish. :)

I will never cease to love Fall. I found this quote that perfectly expresses my admiration for the season (and my dream to fly) "Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns." ~George Eliot.

See how much we're in love, with each other and Fall?


  1. Super cute- I miss you guys. And I miss those beautiful Provo fall leaves... sigh. But what is up with that pic with you guys cooking STEAKS at your posh picnic? What kind of POOR married couple are you? ;) When does Candice go on her mission?

  2. 1. Love the top picture of your blog. Too cute!

    2. I also love fall. I know I was born in the summer, but it is too hot! I'd much rather be cold so I can snuggle with someone I love! :)

    3. Love you!

  3. I'm with ya on not liking the hot. I prefer the colder months. :) Love all the pictures of you guys! Y'all stay busy, huh? Love you!
