So I'm now Samantha Stone :) It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Like a spy name! At least that's what I think ha. Lately I've been trying to make that official--drivers license (I miraculously was in and out of the DMV in 20 mins! But I had 2 sketchy guys watching me the entire time, yuck), changing my marital status at BYU but not my name until I have my new SS card, spent forever in the Social Security office today, and hopefully that's about all I have to do. Oh yeah, and merging our bank accounts so that it'll be our money. ;) We're becoming an actual married couple and family! We even have kids! Don't freak out!! They're bamboo plants ^_^ See?

There have been SO many things I have to update about that I don't know where to start! I don't want to gush too much about our wedding until I have my pictures...which I'm still waiting for. Hhmph! :( I want them soooo bad! But I do have a few that I hijacked from people's facebooks, hehe. Here's a sneak preview of what's to come of my wedding day glory!

We just got out of the temple and was greeted by all of our wonderful friends and family!