But after we got home, Loren was waiting to deliver these beautiful roses! I'm so lucky to have him!
On Friday, I only had an 8am class and the rest of the day I was freee! So Loren and I made yummy crepes and went on a hike. We tried Stewart Falls up around Aspen Grove but it was still under heavy snow, so we went to Bridal Veil Falls instead.
We packed a lunch and found a sweet spot onlooking the falls. See!
It's seriously gross inside but it's a nice place to lay your blanket down and enjoy the sun :)
Here are some other pictures from our adventure...

And here's my favorite! Hehehe
After our hike, we got ready to go to Loren's mission trainer's wedding reception.

Then we practically flew back to Provo to make it to our reservation at the best restaurant in town--TUCANOS!
Mmmm...full bellies ^_^
Saturday, the two of us just hung around the apartment, made food, did whatever until he had to go to work. I had a really lazy day but had to get ready for my birthday party that my BFF Candice threw for me! We had mocktails which were delish! But my favorite feature of the event, by far, was the CUPCAKES!!
She's amazing! She made a red velvet w/cherry filling, lemon w/lemon filling, chocolate w/chocolate filling and my favorite--chocolate w/raspberry filling and cream cheese frosting w/ a strawberry on top ^_^
This is my "oh you're taking a picture of me? Sure thing! This gives me a chance to show off my inner dork!"

Saturday, the two of us just hung around the apartment, made food, did whatever until he had to go to work. I had a really lazy day but had to get ready for my birthday party that my BFF Candice threw for me! We had mocktails which were delish! But my favorite feature of the event, by far, was the CUPCAKES!!

Playing the animal game. Everyone has a sign and you pass "it" around clapping a certain rhythm. Sorta hard to explain but fun and easy to play. You just slap your legs a lot doing it.

P.S. Loren had to close for work again (super lame) but came later to the party. I just failed to take a picture of us. Oh well.
Then comes Sunday. That morning was a little rough on all of us I think. It was Daylight Savings which means losing an hour of sleep--very precious to college kids! But it was such perfect weather outside that it didn't matter! And because it was so nice out, I wanted us to take some cute pictures. So I snagged my roommate Ashli and we took pictures on the temple ground. Cheesy, I know. Shush. This one is my favorite

After that, we made some cookies for the ward Break the Fast. Poor Loren had to wait in the back of the line while all the girls got to be first in getting food. Don't worry, I grabbed some extra yummies and gave it to him while he had to wait in line. I wouldn't let him go hungry. Following that, we just enjoyed the day! Visited Candice some, played foosball (we each won a game but my competitive side wasn't happy about ending on a losing note), I had to take a quiz for a class and then we said goodnight.
All in all, it was the best weekend! It was spent in good company, in the most perfect weather that I could ever dream of, and lasted for more than one measly day! Perfecto! Here's to being 22! :D